Anne Dérian

AD Mosaic: MA DEMOISELLE. Photo courtesy of Anne Dérian.

"In my artworks, each element speaks to the whole, the smallest particle is necessary for the entirety”

Portrait_Anne Dérian

Positions Berlin Art Fair 2024

As an architect, I spent years designing buildings and spaces, carefully considering every detail and material.

I had the chance to work in different contexts, from small offices to internationally renown firms, and develop ideas at different scales, from product design, to large public buildings or major urban renewal projects.

While working in the agency of Marc Newson in Paris, i realised that architecture, design and art could be connected, and part of the same creative expression.

This lead me to begin a personal artistic journey, and experiment with different mediums, from drawing to sculpture.

I became fascinated by the interplay between light and shadow and the relationship between objects and the space around them.
My training in spatial awareness and composition inspired me to explore the role that colour and texture could play in eliciting emotional responses.

Following the tradition of the Bauhaus, where crafts, design and fine arts were combined, i believe that an artistic vision can be realised through a close attention to form and function.
That’s why after moving to Berlin, i applied my first experiments with ceramics to large-scale murals and created commissioned works for restaurants and private houses, using standard tiles which i individually cut and fixed.

Using the same technique, i subsequently started to create individual pieces which can be transported and exhibited, aimed at inviting people to a world where shapes represent ideas and colours induce emotions.

Focused on the sensory experience of art, my creative process is intuitive and emotional, but also highly precise and intentional.

Anne Dérian

The time to gather stones together has come, piece by piece we carefully build the path that leads us all to the Divine.
Anne Dérian
„My practice today leads me to be interested in art as a medium of spirituality, with theintention of developing works inviting the viewer into a meditative state that goes beyondwords and explination. In the spirit of Mandalas, which are often used to focus the attention of practitioners, myworks are here to serve as spiritual tools and encourage the creation of a mystical space“
Anne Dérian 2025

Quiet Place 2 (3D)
2025, Paper + Polystyrol,
Diametral 80cm

Fragmentation 1
Paper, polystrol & acrylic gouache, 70 x 50 cm

Fragmentation 2 
Paper, polystrol & acrylic gouache
70 x 50 cm

Fragmentation 3
Paper, polystrol & acrylic gouache
70 x 50 cm

Serie: Etudes Papier 2023 –

Étude papier_7 2023
25 x 20 x 3 cm

Étude papier_16 2024
25 x 20 cm

Étude papier_15 2024
25 x 20 x 3 cm

Étude papier_13 2024
25 x 20 x 3 cm

Étude papier_14 2024
25 x 20 x 3 cm

Serie: Sacred Selves 2025

Sacred self 2 
Paper + Polystyrol,
50 x 50 cm

Sacred self 3 
Paper + Polystyrol,
50 x 50 cm

Sacred self 1 
Paper + Polystyrol,
50 x 50 cm


Geboren in Frankreich
Abschluss als Architektin
ENSAB Rennes (FR) – TU Berlin (DE) 
2004 – 2011
Architektin in Paris

lebt und arbeitet in Berlin


Ausgewählte Projekte

Mosaikkunstwerk . Loft Mitte . Berlin (DE)

Mosaikkunstwerk . Wohnung Rue Saint Maur . Paris (FR)

Mosaikkunstwerk . Loft Prenzlauer Berg . Berlin (DE)

Mosaikkunstwerk . Restaurant Karloff Kreuzberg . Berlin (DE)

Mosaikkunstwerk . Privatkommission. Brüssel (BE)

Design der Mikromosaik-Kollektion für SEIWA Ceramic . Japan (JP)

Wettbewerb – Kunstinstallation . “Höfe am Brühl”, Leipzig (DE) .

 “Deutsche Schule”, Madrid (ES) : 1.Preis . Carsten Nicolai/ Assistentin

Buchprojekt für Gestalten Verlag . 600 3D-Modelle Kristalle.
Carsten Nicolai. Assistentin Installation “Versus” + “Tessel” . David Letellier. Assistentin

Laufende Projekte

2023 -
“Études papier” Series . Berlin (DE)

2022 -
“Maps of THEY” Series . Berlin (DE) - ArsVersa Kunst-Stiftung - Preisträgerin 2021-
“Self-Topography” Series . Berlin (DE)

2019 -
Künstlerische Leiterin /ARA  About recording Artists . Musik Label . Berlin (DE)

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